Saturday, August 2, 2008

#6: Daniel Alonso Remembered: A Clothe Study

front/back   (dead/alive)

About Danny:
Daniel J. Alonso. He goes by many names. Some know him as Danny, some Dan, and some as simply, "hey fagtron." Whatever he was, he left a standing impression on this earth. An enigma from the start, Danny was never understood. Like a shark. A shark only wants food, and to be left alone; sometimes these needs conflict however, and the shark has to eat some poor white kid. Danny ate a lot of poor white kids in his short-lived life. Like his life, his death was surrounded by turmoil, passion, and helpless puppies. The details of this event are fuzzy, but you can be damned sure of one thing - that kid didn't give in without a fight. No sir. Viva la raza. Viva la Danny.

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